Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Six Ways To Make Your Goals More Accessible

The definition of accessible: easy to approach, reach, enter, speak with, or use.

If you really want to make changes in your life, you need to make your goals more accessible. You need to keep them within arm’s reach and integrate them into your life. Here are some ways you can do that!

Six Ways to Make Your Goals More Accessible:

1. Visualize, visualize, visualize. And then visualize some more! Make your goals mentally  accessible.

Regularly visualize yourself as if you have already achieved what you want. Visualize in the present. For example, say you want to finally attack all of the clutter in your home. Visualize your home without all of the mess as if it’s already clutter-free. Do this every day. You can do it before you fall asleep. See yourself clearing the junk out. Imagine how you’ll feel after clearing a space and let that emotion flow through you as if the space has already been cleared. Visualization deserves its own post, so I’ll definitely be blogging about it in the future.

2. Find people, blogs, and sites that pertain to your goals.

Want to learn how to sew? Look for classes in your area. Find YouTube videos and sites for beginners. I was able to learn how to knit a scarf from the Internet alone. Don’t overlook the own people in your life, though! Does a family member or friend have a particular skill you’d like to learn? Ask them if they could teach you. Fill your life with knowledgeable, positive influences.

3. Be a sponge! Soak up all of the information you can.

Sometimes, the biggest obstacle to acting on a goal is feeling overwhelmed at your lack of knowledge of the subject. Remember, you have to start somewhere! Read and listen to as much information you can. Check out books from your library, download e-books, and buy books from a thrift store (learning something new doesn’t have to break the bank!). Listen to CDs in the car. Do all that you can to make sure the information is there for you at a moment’s notice.

4. Join a support group, whether it’s in your area or online.

Don’t underestimate the power of a support group. I’ve realized that I tend to try to be a loner in a lot of areas of my life. Though I’m still working on it, I have accepted the fact that I cannot possibly do everything myself. Everyone needs help one way or another, especially if it involves doing something you know nothing or very little about. Support groups not only circulate information, but also encouragement. Encouragement is highly valuable when you feel like turning back.

5. Find people who have succeeded, listen, and take notes.

These are people who have started from the beginning, exactly where you are now. They’ve made the journey from A to B. Listen to many different people’s experiences and find common threads. What motivated them? Where did they look for support? What setbacks did they have and how did they overcome them?

6. Keep reminders of your goals wherever you go.

This can be whatever you find inspires and motivates you. Did you come across an inspirational quote that spoke to you? Write it down and put it in a place where you can easily read it every day. If you work from your computer, tape a reminder of your goal to it. You’ll see it every time you use your computer. Stick reminders on your fridge. I have some magnets about eating whole foods on mine. I also printed out some nutrition information and stuck it on there. Every time I go to open the fridge, I see it and am reminded of my goal.

Here's a cute little metaphor for you! Making your goals more accessible is like growing and maintaining an orchard. First you have to grow the trees. This is the information you learn about your goal and the connections between you and others (whether they're people in your area or people online). Next, you want to make sure there's fruit on the trees, so when you walk through the orchard, you can easily reach up and grab what you need. The fruit signifies the tools you keep within arm's reach for yourself. This is everything from books to inspirational quotes (or actual fruit if you're trying to eat healthy!).

Can you think of more ways to make your goals accessible? Leave a comment, because I'd love to hear more ideas!

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